ReadY∞SmilE☆ ?

    cdream introjects, DA's & kinnies feel free to interact



    i dont know what to put here LMAOOOO anyways i like fnaf dsmp and crazy night talk to me about it

    system of like 20 idk we dont keep count, lesbian aroflux aceflux, autistic and possible adhd, sys carrd is uhhhh ask for it in dms or smth, you can request our simply plural but if we don't know u then we're not accepting

    hello i am 16 they/them neopronouns enjoyer
    white passing no idea if im considered white outside of latam, chilean

    ➥talk to me!!!!

    otokipo #1001

    DNI IF:

    - basic criteria (racist, ableist, mysoginistic, transphobic, homophobic, queerphobic yadda yadda)- kin/are nagito komaeda or have him as a comfort (moots and friends r ok)- actively support jschlatt - over 20 or under 13- ""map"" - pro ship - shit talk my special interests/comforts - tracer/art theif - mcyt anti - you like ""offensive humour"" - thinks you have to be a girl to be a lesbian - use slurs

    DNI IF YOU KIN(these are da's of mine) (introjects fine!)

    INTROJECT OF: (Sunny doubles dni)